Week 12 The final step

Greetings I’m Jonathan and I’m going to tell you what the leftovers have been up to the last seven days.


With the final polish week behind us we can now say that Nox is finished.


This was accomplished thanks to the efforts of all the members of the leftovers. With everyone going overdrive to bring you the best we could deliver, so let us see what the team has been up to one last time.


The programmer team has laid the finishing touches of the spiderlings settings and the boss spider.

Making sure all the settings where saved and loaded correctly and that the behaviour of the spiderlings would follow the parameters  where paramount. Alongside this the boss spider also got there final update now being fully playable the player can finally face the one who lurks at the end of the road.


The environmental team made sure that every bit of the levels where up to standards and fit in with the rest of the game.


Our teams animator created a splendid entrance to the boss that is befitting to one like itself.


And the our rfx artist has added multiple particle that would make the final confrontation feel even more alive.


Alongside everyone’s individual tasks the entire team came together to make sure that the game was ready to go. This meant going over every bit of feedback we received and making sure none of the discomforts where still roaming around.


And with that said I can now present you Nox.


But that said, to everyone who has been with us from the start and everyone who found us along the way or our journey, thank you for being there and witness as this little game of a tiny man in an arcade became a living breathing world. From me and every member of the leftovers thank you.

So for one final time,


I am Jonathan singing off.


Nox.zip 333 MB
May 07, 2021


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